Sometimes Mondays can be magical!

I have been waking up in the dark hours and running with one of my favorite people ever (BEKAH!) and most of the time we don’t see the sun until long after we have finished our run. But today, my kids had no school, and I timed my run perfectly with the sunrise in hopes of seeing a good one. Well… not only was it “good”, it was straight up magic!

Ummm, are you kidding me?!

I plopped myself right down on a log on the shore and watched as the colors changed. I kept picking up my things, ready to resume my run and couldn’t bring myself to turn my back on such a sight.

I prayed for this last night. Well, not exactly a magical sunrise, but for heavenly reassurance that some seemingly impossible things are things that I’m meant to endure. I feel like so many of my answers come in nature, and I find the peace and clarity I’m hoping for- even if it’s only for those few moments. I’m so grateful for the places my feet take me, and the things I learn about myself in those places.

About Us

Travel + lifestyle

I am a wife and mother who loves running, donuts, and capturing beauty while exploring the world.

This blog is a space to share all things running- gear, races, fuel, etc. I hope it will be a place to inspire you to embrace the beauty of running, whether you have never laced up a pair of running shoes or you run 100 miles a week.

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